Next steps for Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan

A picture of a set of heavy tyre tracks made in a sandy beach.

More than 4,000 residents have had their say on the future of minerals development in Essex.

We are required by law to publish a Minerals Local Plan. This provides policies for minerals development and identifies future sites for quarrying.

In 2020, we started a review of the Essex Minerals Local Plan to ensure it is up to date and fit for the future.

A public consultation examining the revised plan and sites submitted closed last month. More than 4,000 responses were received

These are now being published online, after which they will be assessed.

Amendments will then be drafted and additional detailed technical assessment of sites will take place.

The amended plan will then be published alongside a draft list of Preferred Site allocations. This amended plan will be subject to a further consultation this winter.

Councillor Lee Scott, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Planning a Growing Economy, said:

There has been significant interest in the Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan from across the county and I would thank residents for their engagement during the consultation process.

It will take some time to publish and assess the thousands of responses we have received. However, public feedback will be taken into account as the revised proposals are finalised.  

No decisions have been made at this stage and residents will have further chances to provide feedback on the revised proposals in due course. 

Find out more about the next steps for the Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan.