Have your say on updated Dementia Strategy

An elderly woman holding hands with a carer.

We are encouraging residents to have their say on a series of commitments designed to support those living with dementia and their carers across Essex.

Essex County Council (ECC), Southend-on-Sea City Council and Thurrock Council are working on a refreshed Southend, Essex and Thurrock (SET) Dementia Strategy to cover the next four years.

Last year the partners launched a consultation to gather residents’ views on the nine priorities identified for the strategy.

A second stage of the consultation opened on 13 May and runs until Friday 17 June.

This is seeking views on the ten commitments which will help deliver against each of these priorities.

The nine priorities and relevant commitments are:

• We will work collaboratively across voluntary, health and statutory services to develop and deliver information to improve awareness of dementia and the support available.
Supporting unpaid carers:
• We will involve and seek the views of people living with dementia and their carers, recognising their role as valued experts and equal partners.
Reducing the risk of crisis:
• We will work across our systems to improve support following diagnosis to promote independence, optimise strength, build resilience and prevent unnecessary crises.
A knowledgeable and skilled workforce:
• We will develop and build on activities and training that improve professional practice and process.
Finding information and advice:
• We will work collaboratively with system partners to engage people living with dementia, their families and unpaid carers to better understand how we can improve access to the right information, advice and guidance at the right time to ensure they are fully supported.
Diagnosis and support:
• We will improve access to dementia diagnosis at the earliest possible stage for the people of Essex, Southend and Thurrock.
Living well with dementia in the community:
• We will work with people living with dementia, their families and carers to build more dementia-friendly and dementia-enabled communities and work to understand what support they need in relation to access to housing, transport, employment and technology.
• We will continue to promote access to care technology to promote health, prevent deterioration and promote independence.
Living well in long term care:
• We will work with the care market to encourage long term care settings to promote activities and solutions that increase community connections for people living with dementia.
End of life:
• We will improve information that enables families to plan ahead to make informed decisions that support individuals to remain cared for in their preferred care setting.

Residents are being asked to feedback on whether they agree with these commitments, and if there is anything else they would like to see included.

If you require this consultation in an alternative format or have any questions, please contact dementia.team@essex.gov.uk.

An easy read version of the consultation is also available.