Planning Performance Agreements

Large planning applications are best dealt with through a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA). This is an agreement between you and the planning authority. It provides a project management framework for handing a major application.

A PPA can guide you through the whole planning process. As part of the PPA, we’ll make sure you know which policies to follow. We’ll also give you a single response, indicating our position across several areas such as highways, waste, drainage and flooding.

Our model Planning Performance Agreement (DOCX, 63.5kB) outlines the offer. It also details fees for this service, which has a different charging structure to our pre-application advice services.

If you enter a PPA, we’ll deduct any payments you’ve already made for pre-application advice from your fee.

If you're interested in a Planning Performance Agreement, please contact us with details of your proposal using the email address below.


Contact the Growth and Development Team

Email: growth&

You may also be interested in our Growth, development and major infrastructure section, which includes details of projects we're working on.

Minerals and waste PPAs

If your proposal relates to minerals and waste, please see our Pre-application advice for minerals, waste and county council developments section