Communications and marketing strategy

Find out more about our communications and marketing strategy

The people of Essex are at the heart of everything we do. The role of the communications and marketing department is to engage residents. This includes communicating, informing and inspiring, and helping to bring about positive change.

We also help our staff understand how the work they do benefits Essex.

Our team:

  • is strategic and will prioritise work that helps people in Essex to prosper
  • lead and guide communications across the council and public services
  • use digital channels because they are effective and efficient - we will not use them at the expense of doing what works
  • maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of our own channels - we will also make effective use of others
  • use insights and evidence to help guide and improve our work
  • work in dynamic, agile project teams, providing excellent advice and guidance
  • encourage and support services to create content - they know what works best for residents.

Our mission

In 2019 to 2020, our mission is to:

  • produce outstanding insight-led communications and marketing - this will focus on the key aims and priorities set out in the organisation plan
  • help people understand why the council needs to change, and help people influence decisions
  • influence the government on behalf of the people of Essex and ensure the best deal possible

We work to an agreed plan, so everyone knows our focus is on the work that matters to the county and the council. Insight and intelligence will be used to inform and improve our work and targets will check our performance. We will ensure communications and marketing standards across the organisation are consistent.

Investing in our brand

Essex County Council is one of the best-known local authority brands. We need to invest in it, develop it and ensure it remains relevant for our residents and partners.

We will redefine and develop our brand. It will be a genuine reflection of the council and an embodiment of our values and purpose. We will support the council to follow this guidance.

Investing in our partners

Essex County Council would achieve nothing without its partners and collaborators.

Our work in communications is about growing those relationships and developing new ones. This will enable us to communicate, work and achieve even more.

2019 to 2020 presents opportunities to change the approach to how we work with partners. We will be collaborating with individuals and communities, particularly on social media. We will help to create new and innovative approaches to public services.