General enquiries

This number is for general enquiries only

Before contacting us

So that we can help you get the right information quickly, please check the list below to see if your query can be answered here.

Accounts and invoices

To pay or query an invoice, email

Adult social care and health

For help from adult social care, advice on disabilities and health conditions, contact Adult social care.

Births, ceremonies and deaths

Book an appointment to register births, deaths or give notice of intention to marry or form a civil partnership or contact the Registration Service.

Blue Badge

To apply or renew a blue badge, visit our Blue Badge section, or contact the Blue Badge team.

Bus passes and tickets

Find information on bus passes and tickets.

Children, young people and families

Find services for children and young people, including social care, early years and childcare, adoption and fostering, children in care, go to our section for Children, young people and families..

Council tax

For enquiries about council pax payments, contact your local council. To see what your council tax pays for, visit Spending and council tax.

Household waste collection, missed bins or requesting a new bin

Contact the borough, city or district council where you live.


To get updates on travel, transport and roadworks. To tell us about a highway issue . To check if we already know about an issue or track progress of an issue you’ve told us about .

Jobs and apprenticeships

Find jobs, volunteering and apprenticeship opportunities in Essex.


For concerns about parking matters, enforcement as well as requests for parking measures, go to Essex Parking Partnership.

Penalty charge notices

We are unable to comment on penalty charge notices (PCN) please refer to the letter you have received for further information on the process. You can pay or appeal a PCN on our webpage.

Planning, land and recycling

Find information on: Planning and development Waste and recycling Energy, climate and environment

Sales and supplying Essex County Council

For opportunities to supply Essex County Council, see Find and bid on a contract.

Schools and learning

Includes school admissions, early years and childcare, post-16 options and adult learning, visit our Schools and learning section.

Contact us

If your query is not listed here, please contact us:

Contact general enquiries

Telephone: 0345 743 0430

Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm

Contact us online: general enquiries online form