Carousel Family Hub

A centre for families to access support and services in Braintree.

How it can help

Hub staff are available offer advice and signpost towards specific support. They also host groups and activities, including:

  • interactive childminder sessions
  • baby weighing
  • infant feeding support
  • school age health drop ins
  • first time parent sessions


Carousel Family Hub, Chapel Hill, Braintree, CM7 3QZ

Harlequin Family Hub Delivery Site, Spa Road, Witham, CM8 1NA

Silver End Family Hub Delivery Site, Silver End Village Hall,
Silver End, CM8 3RQ

Acorn Family Hub Delivery Site, Old School Hall,
Beridge Road,
Halstead, CO9 1JH

Seesaw Family Hub Delivery Site, Lancaster Way,
Braintree, CM7 5UL


Open to children, young people, and families.

How to access

Visit one of their five delivery sites in the Braintree area. Call to find out more information before visiting or visit their website to download the latest activity calendar.
