
Find out why you may need an advocate, and whom to contact for advocacy services in Essex

An advocate is a person who can support you and speak on your behalf if you want them to.

Advocacy services help you access information and ensure your voice is heard when decisions that affect you are being made.

Why use an advocate?

Advocates are independent. They don't represent the views of others, such as your local authority or the NHS.

They won't make decisions for you or give you their personal opinion.

An advocate can:

  • contact people on your behalf
  • go to meetings with you to give you support
  • speak on your behalf when you don't feel comfortable speaking yourself
  • write letters and emails on your behalf

Situations where you may need an advocate

Advocates can be used in lots of situations. For example, they can help if you:

  • need support to attend interviews about benefits
  • need help dealing with housing problems
  • want to complain about treatment or healthcare
  • are a victim of crime or antisocial behaviour

In certain situations you have a legal right to the following types of advocacy:

  • Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) which supports people who lack capacity to make certain decisions
  • Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) which supports people treated or assessed under the Mental Health Act
  • Independent Care Act Advocacy (ICAA) which supports people who are receiving or being assessed for care

Advocacy services in Essex

Essex County Council works with VoiceAbility to provide an accessible all age advocacy service to residents in Essex.


Contact VoiceAbility Essex Advocacy

Telephone: 0300 303 1660



More information

Carers UK has produced a guide to self-advocacy for carers Mind has information on advocacy in mental health Mencap has information on advocacy for learning disabilities