Fees for mainstream foster carers

Fees for mainstream foster carers

Fees are paid to foster carers, to reimburse for your time and lifestyle changes. The fee foster carers are paid depends on the type of foster care given, plus how old the children are.

Our fees for 2024/2025 are also summarised here.

Mainstream foster carers provide a home for a child (aged 0 – 16 years-old), either short-term or long term. More information on the role of mainstream foster carers is available.

How much do foster carers earn?

Specialist fostering fees apply when a child needs further support

Specialist fostering fees can apply for some children. For example, if children can't attend mainstream education, or have complex medical needs.

  • £270 fee per week (plus allowance), per child for children aged 0 – 10
  • £380 fee per week (plus allowance), per child for a child of any age who:
    • can’t live alongside other children
    • had already had several placements breakdown
    • is leaving residential care
    • needs their foster carer to be available during school hours

Essex County Council’s foster carers receive other benefits too 

Alongside fees and allowances, our community of carers receive extra payments for birthdays, Christmas and summer holidays. Find out more about the benefits of fostering with Essex County Council.

Change a child’s life by becoming a foster carer

Our enquiry team can discuss ways fostering can fit in with your own career and family. Call or email us today to learn more.

Contact the fostering team