Celebrating Essex Day 2023

Essex flag flying outside County Hall in Chelmsford

Essex Day celebrates our county’s patron saint, Cedd. His values of learning and ambition define Essex in the past, present and future.

Essex Day is a chance to acknowledge what makes our county great. This includes our rich heritage, for which Cedd founded many monasteries and churches. You can even visit his famous St Peter-on-the-Wall Chapel in Bradwell-on-Sea.

Visit Essex recommends many other historical landmarks to explore on Essex Day.

We are proud of the local economy that makes up modern Essex. The Love Essex Fund has been awarding small grants to ambitious projects since 2019. Applications are still open for this year’s funding towards waste reduction ideas.

Organisations can also apply for funding towards projects improving the health of residents.

For Essex Day, Ambitious Essex asked organisations why our county is a great place to do business. Brigette Brad, Founder and CEO of BioSure, said:

“At BioSure, we have always found Essex businesses to have a truly collaborative approach. This enables synergies to be created within a thriving ecosystem.

“I’m a born and bred ‘Essex girl’ and believe the county’s national and international connectivity, by road, rail and air, is unbeatable.”

We are proud to see Essex and its residents continuing the legacy of Cedd and his value for ambition.

Here's a video message from our Leader of the Council, Councillor Kevin Bentley, for Essex Day 2023: