Local businesses invited to sign Essex Green Skills Pledge

Two male engineers in yellow high-visibility jackets and white hardhats looking at a set of wind farm machinery.

The Essex Green Skills Pledge is the first of its kind, inviting organisations to commit to delivering green skills for a net-zero Essex.

Launched at June's Essex Green Skills Summit, it asks organisations to commit to up to eight actions. These are:

  • work collaboratively to increase investment in upskilling and the transition to net zero
  • join up resources and collaborate on green skills initiatives to align the skills system with business needs
  • support and incentivise employees to invest in green skills and training throughout their working lives
  • use expertise, skills and experience to combat climate change and share best practice in green skills development.
  • contribute to the public debate on climate change and use the power of our example to encourage others
  • work across industries and sectors to improve working practices and find practical solutions to green skills challenges
  • educate employees, managers, learners and residents about the impact of their daily lives on the environment
  • publish a five-year Action Plan outlining steps to support green skills development

The pledge is flexible, with organisations able to commit to as many or as few actions as they feel able to. Businesses that pledge at least one action will receive a resource pack. The resource pack  includes guidance,  information and marketing material to promote their involvement and efforts.

The pledge invites all Greater Essex employers, education institutions and training providers to sign up. Organisations that have already pledged include:

  • the Department for Work and Pensions
  • Anglia Ruskin University
  • North Falls Offshore Wind Farm