Voluntary organisations, community groups, residents’ associations and Town and Parish Councils can now apply for grants from the Essex Community Initiatives Fund.
The £350,000 fund offers grants of up to £10,000. The money can be used to help strengthen local communities. The aim is to make Essex an even better place to live, work and visit.
£300,000 is available for projects that benefit the wider community and demonstrate a real community need. Grants from this pot range from between £1,000 and £10,000. Applications to the fund should be made before the closing date on 18 October 2024.
The remaining £50,000 of the fund is available for grassroots groups. It offers micro grants of up to £1,000.
These grants could help reduce social isolation, improve wellbeing or encourage communities to connect. They could also support organisations to build and develop their capabilities and skills. Applications to the micro grants fund will remain open until all the funds are used.
Applications can be made by:
- constituted clubs or membership organisations
- community groups and voluntary organisations, residents’ associations, constituted neighbourhood committees and management committees
- charities and trusts
- social enterprises
- community interest companies
- community benefit societies
- Town and Parish Councils
In recent years, the fund has supported projects such as:
- upgrades to sports facilities
- improvements to community buildings
- transport
- staff costs for projects or maintenance
- IT systems or support
- cultural events and activities
The fund is administered by Essex Association of Local Councils on behalf of the council.