Residents of Essex are being asked to consider joining the panel which scrutinises and supports the work of the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.
The Essex Police, Fire and Crime Panel is recruiting two independent members.
They will work alongside elected councillors to:
- hold the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to account
- scrutinise the appointment of the Chief Constable, Chief Fire Officer and other key people
- review important police and fire policy documents
- review the Commissioner’s budget
- consider complaints about the Commissioner
We are looking for people with the skills, knowledge and experience to make sure that the Panel can do its job effectively.
To apply, you must be at least 18 and live and work in the Essex Police Force area. We particularly welcome candidates who have experience in community safety, victim support, criminal justice or similar work.
Find out more about what we are looking for.
Applications are open until 12noon on Monday 17 June.
For an application pack or to find out more, contact 03330 131642 or email essex.pfcp@essex.gov.uk.