Recycled food powers thousands of UK homes

A farmer stands in front of a tractor and plough in the middle of a field.

We are encouraging Essex households to recycle their uneaten food. Recycling food waste can be used to generate green energy to power homes and schools. It can also be used by farmers as fertiliser or compost.

Last year we provided more than 37,000 tonnes of food waste, helping to power 6,310 homes across the UK for a year. That equates to CO2 savings of 32,776 tonnes – which works out the same as taking 16,189 cars off the road for a year.

To help residents, we have delivered stickers, food caddy liners and leaflets to over 350,000 homes in participating areas in Essex. These materials will help people understand what food they can recycle. 

We aim to reuse, recycle or compost at least 70% of waste generated by residents by 2030. Recycling food can play a major role in achieving this target.

Councillor Peter Schwier, Essex County Council’s Climate Czar and Cabinet member for Environment, Waste, Reduction and Recycling, said:

Great work is already being done by thousands of Essex residents, but we can still do more.

By putting food out in their designated recycling bins, households are helping to generate green energy and reducing the damage to our environment.

Small actions can make a big difference and together we can tackle climate change to benefit generations to come.”

Find out more about food waste recycling and how it is turned into energy.