Carers emergency plan

Set up a plan to make sure the person you look after will be cared for if you are unavailable because of an emergency

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How to register for a carers emergency plan

To register, complete the carers emergency plan registration form (206 KB).

The completed form should be emailed to or posted to:

Essex County Council
Adult Social Care Connects
Carers Team
Rowan House
33 Sheepen Road

Filling out the registration form

As well as your own details, the form asks for information about the person you look after. This includes:

  • their name
  • their address and contact details
  • how to access their house in an emergency
  • the name of their GP
  • any medication that they take
  • the details of their disability or condition
  • details of the activities you assist them with
  • who else lives with them, including pets

Provide as much detail as you can.  This helps us to provide the best level of care for the individual.

Emergency contacts

You can nominate up to three emergency contacts who can step in to help if you are unavailable. These can be anyone that you and the person you care for trust. You should talk to them about the emergency plan before nominating them.

We will contact each nominated emergency contact. They will need to sign to say that they are happy to:

  • be involved in the emergency plan
  • step in to provide short term care if necessary
  • have their information stored on our database

Please do not nominate anyone from a voluntary organisation.

If you do not have anyone to nominate then please leave this section of the form blank. In these circumstances Essex County Council will act as the emergency contact.