Register a death

Find out what you need to do to register a death in Essex.

What you need to register a death

All appointments must be in person. Your appointment will last approximately 30 minutes

Before the appointment

The medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD) has to be emailed to before you can book an appointment.

Contact the medical practitioner, bereavement suite or funeral director who emailed the MCCD to check they have received the auto-response from us.

As soon as you know that the MCCD has been received by us you can book an appointment to register a death.

For the appointment

You will need:

  • the person’s NHS number
  • the person’s birth certificate, if possible
  • the name, email and address of your funeral director

The registrar will ask for the person's:

  • date and place of death
  • full name (and any other names they used or maiden name)
  • home address and postcode
  • date and place of birth
  • last job
  • their spouse’s full name and job

Once this is done, the registrar will:

  • hand you the ‘green form’. You need to give this to your funeral director. This is needed to plan the burial or cremation
  • give you your certificate(s)

Make sure you order enough death certificates. You will need these when you are arranging the finances of the person who has died and may need to give them to banks, insurance or pension companies and to the administrator of the will.

If you use the Tell Us Once service this will reduce the number of certificates you need.

There’s no fee for registering the death.