Carers assessment

Request a carers assessment to get support if you regularly look after someone else

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Prepare for your carers assessment

The assessment can take place over the telephone or in a face to face meeting. We will work with you to put together a support plan. This may include a personal budget to help with your caring needs.

During your carers assessment we will ask questions to help us to understand your unique situation. You may wish to give some thought to the below topics before your appointment. You could also make notes of anything specific that you want to discuss.


We want to know how much time you spend caring and if you have enough time left to look after yourself. You may want to think about:

  • the types of tasks you help with and how long they take
  • any other help you get
  • what times of day or night your help is needed
  • any particular jobs you would like more help with
  • whether you get any full days to yourself


Caring can be a rewarding thing to do. However, it can also be very difficult. We want to know how you feel about your caring role. For example:

  • do you feel like you don't have a choice?
  • are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed by the responsibility?
  • do you feel safe?
  • what changes would make you feel happier about your situation?
  • do you ever feel like you can't, or don't want to, continue caring?


The physical and mental demands of caring can have an affect on your relationships. This can include your relationship with:

  • the person you look after
  • your friends
  • your partner
  • your children
  • your family

Think about how these relationships might have changed since you started caring and what changes you would want to make going forwards.

Dealing with emergencies and unplanned events

You should have a plan in place to make sure the person you care for is looked after in an emergency. This should include someone you can contact for help. We can discuss this during your assessment. You can also register for our carers emergency plan.


We will ask if you live with the person you care for and, if not, how far away they are from you. You should take this opportunity to share any challenges that this arrangement has.

If the person you care for has issues moving about in the home, we can discuss aids or adaptations which may make life easier for both of you. This can include manual handling training or training to use specialist equipment.


We will want to discuss any health problems that the person you care for has. You should tell us if there is anything specific that you find it hard to deal with.

However, the main purpose of this conversation is to talk about your own health. We want to know if you have any physical or mental health problems.You should also consider how you are affected by the emotional stresses and physical exertions of your caring role.


Some carers can struggle to combine work and caring. This can include reducing their hours of work or having to give up their job completely. Think about how your caring role might be affecting your job. If you do not work, think about whether you would like to and if your caring role would prevent this.

Other interests

Think about any interests you have that you are unable to pursue because of your caring role. This could include training, education, sport, or hobbies.

The future

Make sure to share any concerns you have about your future or the future of the person you are looking after. It is important that you tell us if you feel unable, or unwilling, to continue in your caring role. We are not here to judge you, but to make sure you can get the support you need.