New interactive toolkit to inspire intergenerational connections

A young boy and an elderly man on laying on the floor playing with some toys

We have launched a new resource looking to inspire ideas for bringing different generations together.

The Essex Age-Friendly Collaborative Toolkit showcases projects which have been building intergenerational connections across Essex. It explains explains the positive outcomes which these have achieved.

It features Memory Cafes in libraries, virtual reality technology projects and more. It is designed to inspire groups in Essex to come up with their own ideas for intergenerational activity.

Bringing different age groups together helps build care and compassion in communities. The toolkit shares a range of age-friendly activities that have been making a difference in Essex. It also explains how groups can get involved themselves.

Councillor John Spence, Cabinet Member for Health, Adult Social Care and ICS Integration, said:

By helping people of all ages and backgrounds to come together, everyone can have their life enriched. Young can learn and be inspired by old, while older generations can have spirits uplifted, memories refreshed and learning enhanced from those in younger age-groups.

The excellent examples highlighted in the toolkit show how this can be achieved and we hope it inspires organisations and communities across Essex to get involved in the intergenerational movement.

Councillor Tony Ball, Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Lifelong Learning and Employability, said:

Children and young people coming together with older people in their community, has numerous benefits. It unlocks doors, widens our views, and helps us have understanding for people going through different experiences. It also harnesses younger people’s skills for compassion, empathy and care, and can help inspire a passion for lifelong learning.

It is a really fantastic resource and we hope to see it inspire new projects across the county.

Explore the toolkit and find out more.

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