Information for sponsors welcoming a Ukrainian person or family

Additional information to guide you on how the Homes for Ukraine scheme will work in Essex and your role as a sponsor.

Payments to sponsors and guests

Payments for guests

Under the scheme, the goverment is offering a one-off £200 interim payment for each guest to help with living costs.

For your guests to receive their payment card, you must tell us when your guests have arrived.

At the moment, local councils arrange the £200 payment to guests as soon as they are advised that they have arrived. Payment methods vary between councils. Essex County Council will be issuing payment cards which can be used in shops, online and at a cashpoint for withdrawing money.

Essex County Council will be responsible for this payment in all districts, except for Basildon, Braintree and Colchester.

Payments to sponsors

The government is offering an optional ‘thank you’ payment to sponsors of £350 per month during the first year of the guest’s stay in the UK. This increases to £500 once the guests have been in the UK for over 12 months.

Essex County Council is responsible for administering these payments in Essex, excluding Southend and Thurrock Councils who are responsible for their areas.

Sponsors who have hosted for over six months can receive an extra £200 per month. This is paid for months 7 to 36.

The payments are back dated to when the guests first arrive, paid monthly in arrears.

In October 2023 the government announced the extension of the Homes for Ukraine scheme. This allows sponsors to receive a ‘thank you’ payment for 36 months from when their guest(s) arrived in the UK. They also announced the continuation of the higher rate of ‘thank you’ payment, for months 13-36, at £500 a month.

Essex County Council would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has provided sanctuary in your homes and properties to house vulnerable Ukrainian Nationals. We are pleased to announce the extra £200 a month (which starts on month 7) will continue until your guests have been in the UK for a maximum of 36 months, or when their Homes for Ukraine visa expires.

Use our form to apply for the payment.


Once all checks have been passed, including home, DBS and welfare checks, you will receive a 'remittance notice' from us and the payment.

You must tell us if your guest/s move out.