Protecting the environment

Find out how we're protecting the Essex coast and our green infrastructure strategy

The Essex coast

Essex has one of the longest coastlines of any county in England stretching for over 350 miles. It is one of Essex’s most valued assets for its:

  • national and international importance for nature conservation
  • value to the local economy, including for tourism and fishing
  • development opportunities
  • resource for water and land-based recreation
  • importance for open landscapes, archaeological and heritage assets
  • renewable energy infrastructure

The coast is facing many climate change challenges, such as increasing sea levels and storminess. We need to make decisions on how to manage the coast in a sustainable way.

We have been a key partner in the development of the 2010 Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan. Reviewing annual progress of its delivery and contributing to the 2021 and 2022 updates. The plan provides a strategic approach to coastal management through to 2105.

We contribute to many local and national coastal organisations including the:

Pledge for the Coast

At over 350 miles long, Essex has one of the longest coastlines in the country. It is highly valued as a place to live, work and visit. In addition to this, it is valued for the many thousands of birds who see it as a valuable stop-off point on their migratory journeys. These are just some of the reasons why we're encouraging people to support the 'Pledge for the Coast' campaign.

The campaign asks you to pledge to support our coast and our coastal communities, alongside:

  • MPs
  • businesses
  • communities
  • partnerships
  • local authorities

This national campaign was launched by Sally Ann Hart MP, Chair of the Coastal Communities All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG). It is supported by the Local Government Association Coastal Special Interest Group (LGA Coastal SIG).

When you make your pledge it will give you the option to choose a recommended pledge or to make your own.

Make your pledge with the LGA Coastal SIG